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Commissary Inside Lancaster New City, Launched

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Profriends sister company, Macrest Consumer Goods, Inc. (MCGI), recently launched its commissary with the intent to become the leading supplier of fresh, high-quality, and affordable meals. The venture will initially provide essential services to various food businesses such as canteens and cafeterias.

“By handling the challenging tasks of sourcing, preparation, and cooking, Macrest allows entrepreneurs to focus on delivering top-notch service and growing their businesses,” says Macrest Commercial Business Unit head Rocky Lapid. “Envisioned to be one of the largest commissary kitchens in the country, we are committed to source fresh, high-quality ingredients from trusted farms, prepare meals in full compliance with HACCP and FDA standards, implement a sustainable, cost-efficient logistics system, and continuously explore and apply the best industry practices,” he added.

Recent studies show that food is the largest household expense and the opening of the commissary kitchen is a timely event to help reduce the cost of living for Filipino families. MCGI is poised to be able to sell to retail consumers in the coming months, and provide Lancaster New City residents and those in other Profriends projects with a viable and palatable alternative.

In photo during the commissary inspection are (from left to right) mother company Maplecrest Group Inc.’s head of Strategic Land Investment and Management Jocelyn Guzman, Chairman Guillermo Choa, President Aster Sotto, and Macrest Business Unit head Rafael Lapid.